Laura Ingraham juxtaposing Obama and Carter. Brilliant. Shhhh ... don't tell anyone, but do you think there might be a theme, some sort of underlying principle, that guides misguided Democratic policy choices?
(Shamelessly stolen from RDBrewer at Ace Of Spades, who shamelessly stole it from Media-ite.)
Chris Matthews thinks the screeching kids in the back seat are now trying to drive the car. Don't tell him, but the problem is that the screeching kids have been driving since January 2007*, and the adults, realizing we're lost, are trying to claw their way back into the front seat and behind the wheel.
*Before you get all excited, claiming that the current economic problems were created before Democrats took over Congress in 2007, yes they were. They go back to the Community Reinvestment Act (1977 - Carter) and cronyism and bad housing policy at Fannie Mae (Barney Frank, chief architect) - for which you can also blame Democrats.