Back on December 23 I wrote briefly about the Associated Press' Jamil Hussein saga.
The claim is that the AP's credibility is on the line, and to this point they have defended indefensible reporting. Unless they follow the course outlined above all of their reporting from Baghdad must be considered suspect.
Today's Investor's Business Daily (hat tip: Instapundit):
Last summer, Reuters, the media outlet that refuses to label terrorists as terrorists, was jolted by the "fauxtography" scandal...
Just as we asked in August if Reuters was "a patsy or collaborator," we wonder the same about the AP. We also wonder if we can trust any AP report from the Middle East. If it can't show us Capt. Jamil Hussein, we're not sure it has anything else we want to see.
All of the credibility of the AP is on the line. One can only hope they realize it soon, and act to shore up the falling timbers.